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History Research Guide

A research guide for history students.

Web Resources

1. Open Educational Resources (OER)

  • OER Commons: A comprehensive digital library of open educational resources, including textbooks and course materials for history.
  • OpenStax: Offers free, peer-reviewed, openly licensed textbooks covering various history topics.

2. Online Courses and Lectures

  • Coursera: Provides free access to many history courses from top universities. Auditing courses is often free.
  • edX: Similar to Coursera, offering free courses on a wide range of history topics.
  • MIT OpenCourseWare: Offers free lecture notes, exams, and videos from MIT's history courses.
  • Khan Academy: Provides a variety of courses on world history, art history, and more.

3. Primary Sources and Digital Archives

4. Journals and Articles

  • Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ): Contains free, full-text, quality-controlled scientific and scholarly journals, including many focused on history.
  • Google Scholar: A freely accessible web search engine that indexes the full text or metadata of scholarly literature across various formats.

5. History Blogs and Websites

  • History Today: Offers articles on a wide range of historical topics and periods.
  • BBC History: Provides articles, podcasts, and more on historical events and figures.

6. Video Lectures and Documentaries

  • YouTube - CrashCourse: Offers engaging and educational videos on world history and U.S. history.
  • TED-Ed: Provides animated educational videos on various historical topics.

7. Interactive Resources and Simulations

  • Digital History: Offers interactive modules, primary sources, and essays on American history.
  • ChronoZoom: An interactive timeline for exploring history visually.

8. Historical Maps and Geospatial Data

9. Professional Organizations and Institutions

10. Public History Projects and Oral Histories

  • The American Memory Project: A rich digital collection of historical resources from the Library of Congress.
  • StoryCorps: An oral history project that records and shares personal stories from across the United States.


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