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History Research Guide

A research guide for history students.



Geography at Columbia State

TTP: A.A./A.S.

The study of all that's come before is an important part of understanding the present and anticipating the future. Students who pursue a degree in history will find themselves well-positioned to embark on any number of career paths including writing, film, historical restoration, secondary education, law, archival management, historic site and museum interpretation, and politics.

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Library of Congress Classification &

Relevant Subject Headings

    • Subclass D History (General) Subclass
    • DA Great Britain Subclass
    • DAW Central Europe Subclass
    • DB Austria - Liechtenstein - Hungary - Czechoslovakia Subclass
    • DC France - Andorra - Monaco Subclass
    • DD Germany Subclass
    • DE Greco-Roman World Subclass
    • DF Greece Subclass
    • DG Italy - Malta Subclass
    • DH Low Countries - Benelux Countries 
    • DJ Netherlands (Holland) Subclass
    • DJK Eastern Europe (General) 
    • DK Russia. Soviet Union. Former Soviet Republics - Poland
    • DL Northern Europe. Scandinavia
    • DP Spain - Portugal
    • DQ Switzerland
    • DR Balkan Peninsula
    • DS Asia
    • DT Africa
    • DU Oceania (South Seas)
    • DX Romanies
  • Subclass D
    • D1-2027 History (General)
    • D1-24.5 General
    • D25-27 Military and naval history
    • D31-34 Political and diplomatic history
    • D51-90 Ancient history
    • D101-110.5 Medieval and modern history, 476­
    • D111-203 Medieval history
    • D135-149 Migrations
    • D151-173 Crusades
    • D175-195 Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem. Latin Orient, 1099-1291
    • D200-203 Later medieval. 11th-15th centuries
    • D(204)-(475) Modern history, 1453­
    • D219-234 1453-1648
    • D242-283.5 1601-1715. 17th century
    • D251-271 Thirty Years’ War, 1618-1648
    • D274.5-6 Anglo-French War, 1666-1667
    • D275-276 War of Devolution, 1667-1668
    • D277-278.5 Dutch War, 1672-1678
    • D279-280.5 War of the Grand Alliance, 1688-1697
    • D281-283.5 War of Spanish Succession, 1701-1714
    • D284-297 1715-1789. 18th century
    • D291-294 War of Austrian Succession, 1740-1748
    • D297 Seven Years’ War, 1756-1763
    • D299-(475) 1789­
    • D301-309 Period of the French Revolution
    • D351-400 19th century. 1801-1914/1920
    • D371-(379) Eastern question
    • D383 1815-1830. Congress of Vienna
    • D385-393 1830-1870
    • D394-400 1871- . Later 19th century
    • D410-(475) 20th century
    • D461-(475) Eastern question
    • D501-680 World War I (1914-1918)
    • D720-728 Period between World Wars (1919-1939)
    • D731-838 World War II (1939-1945)
    • D839-860 Post-war history (1945- )
    • D880-888 Developing countries
    • D890-893 Eastern Hemisphere
    • D900-2009 Europe (General)
    • D901-980 Description and travel
    • D1050-2027 History
  • Class E
    • E11-143 America
    • E11-29 General
    • E29 Elements in the population
    • E31-49.2 North America
    • E51-73 Pre-Columbian America. The Indians
    • E75-99 Indians of North America
    • E81-83 Indian wars
    • E99 Indian tribes and cultures
    • E101-135 Discovery of America and early explorations
    • E103-110 Pre-Columbian period
    • E111-120 Columbus
    • E121-135 Post-Columbian period. El Dorado
    • E141-143 Descriptive accounts of America. Earliest to 1810
    • E151-889 United States
    • E151-169.12 General
    • E171-183.9 History
    • E171-180 General
    • E173 Sources and documents
    • E175-175.7 Historiography
    • E176-176.8 Biography
    • E179.5 Historical geography
    • E181 Military history
    • E182 Naval history
    • E183-183.3 Political history
    • E183.7-183.9 Diplomatic history. Foreign and general relations.
    • E183.8 Relations with individual countries
    • E184-185.98 Elements in the population
    • E184.5-185.98 Afro-Americans
    • E185.2-185.89 Status and development since emancipation
    • E185.96-185.98 Biography. Genealogy
    • E186-199 Colonial history (1607-1775)
    • E186-189 General
    • E191-199 By period
    • E191 1607-1689
    • E195-199 1689-1775
    • E196 King William's War, 1689-1697
    • E197 Queen Anne's War, 1702-1713
    • E198 King George's War, 1744-1748
    • E199 French and Indian War, 1755-1763
    • E201-298 The Revolution, 1775-1783
    • E300-453 Revolution to the Civil War, 1775/1783-1861
    • E300-302.6 General
    • E302 Collected works of American statemen
    • E302.1 Political history
    • E302.5-302.6 Biography (Late eighteenth century)
    • E303-440.5 By period
    • E303-309 1775-1789. The Confederation, 1783-1789
    • E310-337 1789-1809. Constitutional period
    • E310.7 Diplomatic history. Foreign and general relations
    • E311-320 Washington's administrations, 1789-1797
    • E321-330 John Adams' administration, 1797-1801
    • E323 Troubles with France, 1796-1800
    • E331-337 Jefferson's administrations, 1801-1809
    • E333 Purchase of Louisiana, 1803
    • E335 War with Tripoli, 1801-1805
    • E336-336.5 Neutral trade and its restrictions, 1800-1810
    • E337.5 Nineteenth century (General)
    • E337.8-400 Early nineteenth century, 1801/1809-1845
    • E337.8-340 General
    • E337.8 Collected works of American statesmen
    • E339-340 Biography
    • E341-370 Madison's administrations, 1809-1817
    • E351.5-364.9 War of 1812
    • E365 War with Algeria, 1815
    • E371-375 Monroe's administrations, 1817-1825
    • E373 Missouri Compromise, 1820
    • E374 Diplomatic history. Foreign relations
    • E376-380 John Quincy Adams' administration, 1825-1829
    • E381-385 Jackson's administrations, 1829-1837
    • E384.3 Nullification
    • E386-390 Van Buren's administration, 1837-1841
    • E391-392 William H. Harrison's administration, March 4-April 4, 1841
    • E396-400 Tyler's administration, April 4, 1841-1845
    • E398 Northeastern boundary disputes, 1783-1845
    • E401-415.2 Mexican War, 1846-1848
    • E408 Mexican cessions of 1848
    • E415.6-440.5 Middle nineteenth century, 1845/1848-1861
    • E415.6-415.9 General
    • E415.6 Collected works of American statesmen
    • E415.8-415.9 Biography
    • E416-420 Polk's administration, 1845-1849
    • E421-423 Taylor's administration, 1849-July 9, 1850
    • E423 Slavery question, 1849-1853
    • E426-430 Fillmore's administration, July 9, 1850-1853
    • E431-435 Pierce's administration, 1853-1857
    • E433 Slavery question, 1853-1857
    • E436-440.5 Buchanan's administration, 1857-1861
    • E438 Slavery question, 1857-1861
    • E440.5 State of the country, November 1860-March 4, 1861
    • E441-453 Slavery in the United States. Antislavery movements
    • E456-655 Civil War period, 1861-1865
    • E456-459 Lincoln's administrations, 1861-April 15, 1865
    • E461-655 The Civil War, 1861-1865
    • E482-489 Confederate States of America
    • E491-586 Armies. Troops
    • E591-600 Naval history
    • E660-738 Late nineteenth century, 1865-1900
    • E660-664 General
    • E660 Collected works of American statesmen
    • E661.7 Diplomatic history. Foreign and general relations
    • E663-664 Biography
    • E666-670 Andrew Johnson's administration, April 15, 1865-1869
    • E668 Reconstruction, 1865-1877
    • E669 Purchase of Alaska, 1867
    • E671-680 Grant's administrations, 1869-1877
    • E681-685 Hayes' administration, 1877-1881
    • E686-687.9 Garfield's administration, March 4-September 19, 1881
    • E691-695 Arthur's administration, September 19, 1881-1885
    • E696-700 Cleveland's first administration, 1885-1889
    • E701-705 Benjamin Harrison's administration, 1889-1893
    • E706-710 Cleveland's second administration, 1893-1897
    • E711-738 McKinley's first administration, 1897-1901
    • E713 Annexation in 1898 of Hawaii, the Philippines, and Puerto Rico
    • E714-735 War of 1898 (Spanish-American War)
    • E740-837.7 Twentieth century
    • E740-749 General
    • E740.5 Sources and documents
    • E742.5 Collected works of American statesmen
    • E743-743.5 Political history
    • E743.5 Un-American activities
    • E744-744.5 Diplomatic history. Foreign and general relations
    • E745 Military history
    • E746 Naval history
    • E747-748 Biography
    • E751 McKinley's second administration, March 4-September 14, 1901
    • E756-760 Theodore Roosevelt's administrations, September 14, 1901-1909
    • E761-765 Taft's administration, 1909-1913
    • E766-783 Wilson's administrations, 1913-1921
    • E768 Purchase of Danish West Indies (Virgin Islands), 1917
    • E780 Internal history during World War I
    • E784-805 1919-1933. Harding-Coolidge-Hoover era. "The twenties"
    • E785-786 Harding's administration, 1921-August 2, 1923
    • E791-796 Coolidge's administration, August 2, 1923-1929
    • E801-805 Hoover's administration, 1919-1933
    • E806-812 Franklin Delano Roosevelt's administrations, 1933-April 12, 1945
    • E813-816 Truman's administrations, April 12, 1945-1953
    • E835-837.7 Eisenhower's administrations, 1953-1961
    • E838-889 Later twentieth century, 1961-2000
    • E838-840.8 General
    • E838.3 Sources and documents
    • E839.5-839.8 Political history
    • E839.8 Un-American activities
    • E840-840.2 Diplomatic history. Foreign and general relations
    • E840.6-840.8 Biography (General)
    • E841-843 Kennedy's administration, 1961-November 22, 1963
    • E842.9 Assassination, funeral, memorial services, etc.
    • E846-851 Johnson's administrations, November 22, 1963-1969
    • E855-861 Nixon's administrations, 1969-August 9, 1974
    • E860-861 Watergate Affair. Resignation E865-868 Ford's administration, August 9, 1974-1977
    • E872-875 Carter's administration, 1977-1981
    • E895-904 Twenty-first century
    • E876-880 Reagan's administrations, 1981-1989 E877.3 Assassination attempt
    • E881-884 George H. W. Bush's administration, 1989-1993
    • E885-889 Clinton's administrations, 1993-2001
    • E902-904 George W. Bush's administrations, 2001-2009
    • E907-909 Barack Obama’s administration, 2009 -

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