E-Books on History Topics
- English Aristocratic Women & The Fabric of Piety, 1450-1550 by Barbara J. Harris, James Daybell, Victoria E. Burke, Svante Norrhem, & Merry Wiesner-Hanks
- Compound Histories: Materials, Governance, & Production, 1760-1840 by Lissa L. Roberts & Simon Werrett
- No Useless Mouth: Waging War & Fighting Hunger in the American Revolution by Rachel B. Hermann
- The Scientific Revolution Revisited by Mikulas Teich
- Russian Hajj: Empire & the Pilgrimage to Mecca by Eileen Kane
- Cold War Triangle: How Scientists in East & West Tamed HIV by Renilde Loeckx
- Ending the Civil War & Consequences for Congress by Paul Finkelman
- Submerged on the Surface: The Not-So-Hidden Jews of Nazi Berlin, 1941-1945 by Richard N. Lutjens
- Human Trafficking in Medieval Europe: Slavery, Sexual Exploitation, & Prostitution by Christopher Paolella
- Empire's Violent End: Comparing Dutch, British, & French Wars of Decolonization, 1945-1962 by Thijs Brocades Zaalberg & Bart Luttikhuis
- Arabic & its Alternatives: Religious Minorities & their Languages in the Emerging Nation States of the Middle East (1920-1950) by Heleen Murre-van den Berg, Karene Sanchez Summerer, Tijmen C. Baarda
- Piracy in World History by Stefan Ekloff Amirell, Bruce Buchan, & Hans Hagerdal