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Columbia State Community College Library Blog

National Poetry Month

by Peter Lyon on 2024-04-18T10:41:44-05:00 in Arts & Humanities, Events & Programs | 0 Comments

It was T.S. Eliot who asserted in his 1922 poem "The Waste Land" that "April is the cruellest month". Sure, April is the unfortunate owner of Tax Day and the time when the relative tranquility of winter is shattered by the frenetic growth of spring. Perhaps some see April as cruel but others see it as a time of great transition. From our natural world where a strengthened sun warms the soil and encourages new growth to our academic world where students work with renewed vigor as the final weeks of the semester whittle away, April is a month of reinvention. It is apt that this month is also home to National Poetry Month. 

Free from rules and always open to new ideas, poetry mirrors the vast potential of April. From a string of words, worlds emerge. It can challenge, heal, confuse, and connect. From any inspiration, it can take any form and any shape. Poetry offers an opportunity for anyone to participate in the creative process and celebrate the written word in imaginative ways.

To celebrate National Poetry Month here at Columbia State, the Williamson Campus Library is hosting a Poetry Competition all month long. Students can enter an original poem into the competition for a chance to win prizes as we celebrate the impact that poetry has on our world. To enter the competition, submit your poem to this Google Form, send a copy to, or deliver a written copy to the Williamson Campus Library by April 26th. 

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