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Special Education Research Guide

A research guide for students studying special education.



Special Education at Columbia State


The Special Education emphasis is a two-year program for students planning to complete a bachelor’s degree at a four-year school. Students can pursue careers in the areas of Special Education Teacher for preschool, elementary, middle and high school, as well as vocational and adult education facilities.

Finding Special Education Resources in the Library

Library of Congress Classification &

Relevant Subject Headings

  • Subclass LC
    •  LC3950-4806.5 Exceptional children and youth. Special education
    • LC3991-4000 Gifted children and youth
    • LC4001-4806.5 Children and youth with disabilities. Learning disabled children and youth
    • LC4812-5160.3 Other special classes
    • LC5161-5163 Fundamental education
    • LC5201-6660.4 Education extension. Adult education. Continuing education
    • LC5451-5493 Aged education
    • LC5501-5560 Evening schools
    • LC5701-5771 Vacation schools. Summer schools
    • LC5800-5808 Distance education
    • LC5900-6101 Correspondence schools
    • LC6201-6401 University extension
    • LC6501-6560.4 Lyceums and lecture courses. Forums

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