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Business Management and Administration Research Guide

A research guide for business administration and business management students.



Business Administration and Business Management at Columbia State


Great marketing, careful financial planning and effective management are key components of any success business. Columbia State's two-year transfer program represents the first step toward a career in sales and marketing, finance, management or starting your own business.


The Associate of Applied Science degree (A.A.S.) in Administrative Professional Technology prepares individuals for employment in today’s dynamic workplace environment. This concentration is a course of study designed to teach the skill set required of the administrative professional in today’s business office environment. Courses are designed to ensure expertise in current office procedures, software applications, editing and proofreading, critical thinking, office management, and interpersonal skills.


The Management emphasis is a two-year program for students planning to complete a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, Finance, Management or Marketing. Students pursuing careers in business management, sales, retail management, marketing, finance or advertising should consider this degree.


The Medical Office concentration prepares individuals for a variety of positions in today’s medical office environment, such as medical receptionists, medical records clerks, hospital ward clerks, medical insurance clerks, patient account representatives, medical administrative assistants, and physician or hospital coders. The program provides the opportunity for skill development in the areas of software applications, office procedures, electronic health records, medical information management, communications, transcription, and coding.

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Library of Congress Classification &

Relevant Subject Headings

  • Subclass HD HD28-9999 Industries. Land use. Labor
    • HD28-70 Management. Industrial management
    • HD39-40.7 Capital. Capital investments
    • HD41 Competition
    • HD45-45.2 Technological innovations. Automation
    • HD47-47.4 Costs
    • HD49-49.5 Crisis management. Emergency management. Inflation
    • HD50-50.5 Delegation of authority. Decentralization. Span of control
    • HD56-57.5 Industrial productivity
    • HD58 Location of industry
    • HD58.7-58.95 Organizational behavior, change and effectiveness. Corporate culture
    • HD59-59.6 Public relations. Industrial publicity
    • HD60-60.5 Social responsibility of business
    • HD61 Risk in industry. Risk management
    • HD62 Standardization. Simplification. Waste
    • HD62.2-62.8 Management of special enterprises
    • HD66-66.2 Work groups. Team work in industry. Quality circles
    • HD69 Other Including business consultants, capacity, size of industries, etc.
    • HD72-88 Economic growth, development, planning
    • HD101-1395.5 Land use Land tenure
    • HD1286-1289 Communal ownership
    • HD1290-1291 Municipal ownership
    • HD1301-1313 Nationalization (Agrarian socialism)
    • HD1326-1329 Large holdings
    • HD1334-1335 Consolidation of land holdings
    • HD1361-1395.5 Real estate business
    • HD1401-2210 Agriculture
    • HD1428-1431 International cooperation
    • HD2321-4730.9 Industry
    • HD2329 Industrialization
    • HD2331-2336 Home labor. Home-based businesses
    • HD2337-2339 Sweatshops
    • HD2340.8-2346.5 Small and medium-sized businesses, artisans, handicrafts, trades
    • HD2350.8-2356 Large industry. Factory system. Big business
    • HD2421-2429 Trade associations
    • HD2709-2930.7 Corporations Including international business enterprises, diversification, industrial concentration, public utilities
    • HD2951-3575 Cooperation. Cooperative societies
    • HD3611-4730.9 Industrial policy. The state and industrial organization Including licensing of occupations and professions, subsidies, inspection, government ownership, municipal services
    • HD4801-8943 Labor. Work. Working class
    • HD4861-4895 Labor systems
    • HD4909-5100.9 Wages
    • HD5106-5267 Hours of labor Including overtime, shift work, sick leave, vacations
    • HD5306-5474 Labor disputes. Strikes and lockouts
    • HD5481-5630.7 Industrial arbitration. Mediation and conciliation
    • HD5650-5660 Employee participation in management. Employee ownership. Industrial democracy. Works councils
    • HD5701-6000.9 Labor market. Labor supply. Labor demand Including unemployment, manpower policy, occupational training, employment agencies
    • HD6050-6305 Classes of labor Including women, children, students, middle-aged and older persons, minorities
    • HD6350-6940.7 Trade unions. Labor unions. Workers' associations
    • HD6941-6948 Employers' associations
    • HD6951-6957 Industrial sociology. Social conditions of labor
    • HD6958.5-6976 Industrial relations
    • HD6977-7080 Cost and standard of living
    • HD7088-7252 Social insurance. Social security. Pension
    • HD7255-7256 Vocational rehabilitation. Employment of people with disabilities
    • HD7260-7780.8 Industrial hygiene. Industrial welfare
    • HD7795-8027 Labor policy. Labor and the state
    • HD9502-9502.5 Energy industries. Energy policy. Fuel trade
    • HD9506-9624 Mineral industries. Metal trade
    • HD9650-9663 Chemical industries
    • HD9665-9675 Pharmaceutical industry
    • HD9680-9714 Mechanical industries Including electric utilities, electronic industries, and machinery
    • HD9715-9717.5 Construction industry
    • HD9720-9975 Manufacturing industries
    • HD9999 Miscellaneous industries and trades

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