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Agriculture Research Guide

A research guide for students studying agriculture, agribusiness, and plant and soil science.



Agricultural Science Programs at Columbia State


Welcome to the Agriculture Department at Columbia state Community College! We offer a diverse selection of majors, including animal science, pre-veterinarian medicine, turfgrass management, landscaping, soil science, agriculture business, agricultural engineering, wildlife science and agriculture education.

Our program is designed to fulfill the first two years of a Bachelor of Science degree in Agriculture. After which, students in good academic standing will have the opportunity to transfer to a four-year institution with an agricultural degree program using the Tennessee Transfer Pathways program.


Welcome to the Agriculture Department at Columbia state Community College! We offer a diverse selection of majors, including animal science, pre-veterinarian medicine, turfgrass management, landscaping, soil science, agriculture business, agricultural engineering, wildlife science and agriculture education.

Our program is designed to fulfill the first two years of a Bachelor of Science degree in Agriculture. After which, students in good academic standing will have the opportunity to transfer to a four-year institution with an agricultural degree program using the Tennessee Transfer Pathways program.


Welcome to the Agriculture Department at Columbia state Community College! We offer a diverse selection of majors, including animal science, pre-veterinarian medicine, turfgrass management, landscaping, soil science, agriculture business, agricultural engineering, wildlife science and agriculture education.

Our program is designed to fulfill the first two years of a Bachelor of Science degree in Agriculture. After which, students in good academic standing will have the opportunity to transfer to a four-year institution with an agricultural degree program using the Tennessee Transfer Pathways program.

Finding Agriculture Resources in the Library

Library of Congress Classification &

Relevant Subject Headings

    • Subclass S Agriculture (General): Subclass S S1-(972) Agriculture (General)
      • S21-400.5 Documents and other collections
      • S403 Agricultural missions, voyages, etc.
      • S419-482 History
      • S530-559 Agricultural education
      • S539.5-542.3 Research. Experimentation
      • S544-545.53 Agricultural extension work
      • S548-548.6 Historic farms
      • S550-559 Exhibitions. Fairs
      • S560-571.5 Farm economics. Farm management. Agricultural mathematics Including production standards, record keeping, farmwork rates, marketing
      • S583-587.73 Agricultural chemistry. Agricultural chemicals
      • S588.4-589.6 Agricultural physics Including radioisotopes in agriculture
      • S589.7 Agricultural ecology (General)
      • S589.75-589.76 Agriculture and the environment
      • S589.8-589.87 Plant growing media. Potting soils
      • S590-599.9 Soils. Soil science Including soil surveys, soil chemistry, soil structure, soil-plant relationships
      • S600-600.7 Agricultural meteorology. Crops and climate
      • S602.5-604.37 Methods and systems of culture. Cropping systems Including fallowing, rotation of crops, plowing
      • S604.5-604.64 Agricultural conservation
      • S604.8-621.5 Melioration: Improvement, reclamation, fertilization, irrigation, etc., of lands
      • S605.5 Organic farming. Organiculture
      • S606-621.5 Special classes of lands and reclamation methods Including woodlands, burning of lands, deserts, saline environments, moors
      • S622-627 Soil conservation and protection
      • S631-667 Fertilizers and improvement of the soil
      • S671-760.5 Farm machinery and farm engineering
      • S770-790.3 Agricultural structures. Farm buildings
      • S900-(972) Conservation of natural resources Including land conservation
    • Subclass SB: SB1-1110 Plant culture
      • SB39 Horticultural voyages, etc.
      • SB71-87 History
      • SB107-109 Economic botany
      • SB109.7-111 Methods for special areas Including cold regions, dry farming, tropical agriculture
      • SB112 Irrigation farming
      • SB113.2-118.46 Seeds. Seed technology
      • SB118.48-118.75 Nurseries. Nursery industry
      • SB119-124 Propagation Including breeding, selection, grafting, air layering SB125 Training and pruning
      • SB126 Artificial light gardening
      • SB126.5-126.57 Hydroponics. Soilless agriculture
      • SB127 Forcing
      • SB128 Growth regulators
      • SB129-130 Harvesting, curing, storage
      • SB169-172.5 Tree crops
      • SB175-177 Food crops
      • SB183-317 Field crops Including cereals, forage crops, grasses, legumes, root crops, sugar plants, textile plants, alkaloidal plants, medicinal plants
      • SB317.5-319.864 Horticulture. Horticultural crops
      • SB320-353.5 Vegetables
      • SB354-402 Fruit and fruit culture
      • SB381-386 Berries and small fruits
      • SB387-399 Grape culture. Viticulture
      • SB401 Nuts
      • SB403-450.87 Flowers and flower culture. Ornamental plants
      • SB406.7-406.83 Plant propagation
      • SB409-413 Culture of individual plants
      • SB414 Forcing
      • SB414.6-417 Greenhouses and greenhouse culture
      • SB418-418.4 Container gardening
      • SB419-419.3 Indoor gardening and houseplants
      • SB419.5 Roof gardening. Balcony gardening
      • SB421-439.8 Classes of plants Including annuals, climbers, ferns, lawns, perennials, shrubs
      • SB441-441.75 Flower shows. Exhibitions
      • SB442.5 Care and preparation of cut flowers and ornamental plants for market
      • SB442.8-443.4 Marketing. Cut flower industry. Florists
      • SB446-446.6 Horticultural service industry
      • SB447 Preservation and reproduction of flowers, fruits, etc.
      • SB447.5 Bonkei. Tray landscapes
      • SB449-450.87 Flower arrangement and decoration
      • SB450.9-467.8 Gardens and gardening
      • SB469-(476.4) Landscape gardening. Landscape architecture
      • SB481-486 Parks and public reservations Including theory, management, history
      • SB599-990.5 Pests and diseases
      • SB608 Individual or types of plants or trees
      • SB610-615 Weeds, parasitic plants, etc.
      • SB617-618 Poisonous plants
      • SB621-795 Plant pathology
      • SB818-945 Economic entomology
      • SB950-990.5 Pest control and treatment of diseases. Plant protection
      • SB950.9-970.4 Pesticides
      • SB973-973.5 Soil disinfection
      • SB974-978 Organic plant protection. Biological control
      • SB979.5-985 Inspection. Quarantine
      • SB992-998 Economic zoology applied to crops. Agricultural zoology Including animals injurious and beneficial to plants
    • Subclass SD: SD1-669.5 Forestry
      • SD11-115 Documents
      • SD119 Voyages, etc.
      • SD131-247.5 History of forestry. Forest conditions
      • SD250-363.3 Forestry education
      • SD388 Forestry machinery and engineering
      • SD388.5 Tools and implements
      • SD389 Forest roads
      • SD390-390.43 Forest soils
      • SD390.5-390.7 Forest meteorology. Forest microclimatology
      • SD391-410.9 Sylviculture
      • SD411-428 Conservation and protection Including forest influences, damage by elements, fires, forest reserves
      • SD430-(559) Exploitation and utilization Including timber trees, fuelwood, logging, transportation, valuation
      • SD561-669.5 Administration. Policy
    • Subclass SF: SF1-1100 Animal culture
      • SF41-55 History
      • SF84-84.64 Economic zoology
      • SF84.82-85.6 Rangelands. Range management. Grazing
      • SF87 Acclimatization
      • SF89 Transportation
      • SF91 Housing and environmental control
      • SF92 Equipment and supplies
      • SF94.5-99 Feeds and feeding. Animal nutrition
      • SF101-103.5 Brands and branding, and other means of identifying
      • SF105-109 Breeding and breeds
      • SF111-113 Cost, yield, and profit. Accounting
      • SF114-121 Exhibitions
      • SF170-180 Working animals
      • SF191-275 Cattle
      • SF221-250 Dairying
      • SF250.5-275 Dairy processing. Dairy products
      • SF277-360.4 Horses
      • SF294.2-297 Horse sports. Horse shows
      • SF304.5-307 Driving
      • SF308.5-310.5 Horsemanship. Riding
      • SF311-312 Draft horses
      • SF315-315.5 Ponies
      • SF321-359.7 Racing
      • SF360-360.4 Feral horses. Wild horses
      • SF361-361.73 Donkeys
      • SF362 Mules
      • SF371-379 Sheep. Wool
      • SF380-388 Goats
      • SF391-397.83 Swine
      • SF402-405 Fur-bearing animals
      • SF405.5-407 Laboratory animals
      • SF408-408.6 Zoo animals
      • SF409 Small animal culture
      • SF411-459 Pets
      • SF421-440.2 Dogs. Dog racing
      • SF441-450 Cats
      • SF451-455 Rabbits and hares
      • SF456-458.83 Fishes. Aquariums
      • SF459 Other animals
      • SF461-473 Birds. Cage birds
      • SF481-507 Poultry. Eggs
      • SF508-(510.6) Game birds SF511-511.5 Ostrich
      • SF512-513 Ornamental birds
      • SF515-515.5 Reptiles
      • SF518 Insect rearing
      • SF521-539.8 Bee culture
      • SF541-560 Sericulture. Silk culture
      • SF561 Lac-insects
      • SF600-1100 Veterinary medicine
      • SF756.5-769.5 Special preclinical sciences Including veterinary genetics, ethology, anatomy, physiology, embryology, pathology
      • SF780.2-780.7 Veterinary microbiology, bacteriology, virology, mycology
      • SF780.9 Veterinary epidemiology. Epizootiology
      • SF781-809 Communicable diseases of animals (General)
      • SF810 Veterinary parasitology
      • SF810.5-810.7 Predatory animals and their control
      • SF811-909 Veterinary medicine of special organs, regions, and systems
      • SF910 Other diseases and conditions
      • SF910.5 Veterinary orthopedics
      • SF911-914.4 Veterinary surgery
      • SF914.3-914.4 Veterinary traumatology. Veterinary emergencies
      • SF914.5 Veterinary acupuncture
      • SF915-919.5 Veterinary pharmacology
      • SF925 Veterinary physical medicine
      • SF951-997.5 Diseases of special classes of animals
    • Subclass SH: SH1-691 Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling
      • SH20.3-191 Aquaculture
      • SH33-134.6 By region or country
      • SH138 Mariculture
      • SH151-179 Fish culture
      • SH171-179 Diseases and adverse factors
      • SH185-191 Frogs, leeches, etc.
      • SH201-399 Fisheries
      • SH213-216.55 By oceans and seas
      • SH219-321 By region or country
      • SH327.5-327.7 Fishery resources. Fishery conservation
      • SH328-329 Fishery management. Fishery policy
      • SH334 Economic aspects. Finance
      • SH334.5-334.7 Fishery technology
      • SH334.9-336.5 Fishery processing
      • SH337 Packing, transportation, and storage
      • SH337.5 Fishing port facilities
      • SH343.2-343.3 Fishery oceanography. Fishery meteorology
      • SH343.4 Fishery research vessels
      • SH343.5 Exploratory fishing
      • SH343.8 Navigation
      • SH343.9 Safety measures
      • SH344-344.8 Methods and gear. Catching of fish
      • SH346-351 Fishery for individual species
      • SH360-363 Seal fisheries. Fur sealing
      • SH364 Sea otter
      • SH365-380.92 Shellfish fisheries. Shellfish culture
      • SH381-385 Whaling
      • SH387 Porpoises. Dolphins
      • SH388.7-391.5 Algae culture
      • SH393 Seagrasses
      • SH396 Sponge fisheries
      • SH400-400.8 Seafood gathering
      • SH401-691 Angling Including tackle, casting, methods of angling, angling for special kinds of fish
    • Subclass SK: SK1-664 Hunting sports
      • SK37-39.5 Shooting
      • SK40-268 By country
      • SK281-293 Special methods and types of hunting Including bolos, game calling, tracking, trapping, dressing
      • SK284-287 Fox hunting
      • SK291-292 Coursing
      • SK293 Ferreting
      • SK295-305 Big game
      • SK311-335 Bird hunting. Fowling
      • SK336 Varmint hunting (General)
      • SK337 Predator hunting SK341 Other game
      • SK351-579 Wildlife management. Game protection Including annual reports of game commissioners
      • SK590-593 Wild animal trade
      • SK650-664 Wildlife-related recreation

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